Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Most Gothic Place Names in the United States--Virginia

For previous entries, click the "Most Gothic Place Names" label under Features in the right sidebar.

Virginia is for lovers of of Gothic place names; they'll be delighted by the likes of Graves Mill (stamping out stiffs), Bane (of every visitor's existence), Groseclose (abjection next door), Burnt Factory (the epitome of industrial ruin), Hurtsville (the rustics have turned into sadists), Autumn Oaks (looming gloomily), Fears Corner (connects with Goose Pimple Junction), Deep Woods (steep odds of finding your way out alive), Grimstead (a forbidding place), Decapolis (where everyone's always losing their head), and Stone Bruise (witches wear black and blues).  But make no mistake about, the best appellation in this state is...

Amissville.  A town where something is always going terribly wrong (its welcome sign should read "Out of Order").  The residents here are quick to take offense, and slow to forget resentment.

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