Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Most Gothic Place Names in the United States--New York

[For previous entries, click the "Most Gothic Place Names" label under Features in the right sidebar.]

To no surprise, New York teems with terrific names, such as Medusa (must be saturated with statues), Kill Buck (the last place ex-Yankees manager Showalter will visit), Pumpkin Hollow (the jack-o'-lantern-carving capital of the Macabre Republic), Suicide Corners (leads straight into Gravesville), Barkertown (the local library is filled with Books of Blood), Lynch Tract (talk about a bully pulpit), Rough and Ready (where everyone runs with a tough crowd), Great Kills (homicide supreme), and Snufftown (the summer film festival must be something else).  Nonetheless, the Empire State's most glorious
place name belongs to...

Gothicville.  Grant Wood meets Larry McMurtry.  If ever there were a place that perfectly exemplified American Gothic (the dark side of everyday life in Anytown, U.S.A.), this would be it.  The mayor here probably hands out silver pitchforks rather than golden keys to the city.  

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