Monday, April 18, 2011

Most Gothic Place Names in the United States--Missouri

[For previous entries, click the 'Most Gothic Place Names" label under Features in the right sidebar.]

A survey of the "Show Me" State reveals a bevy of great names.  There's Graves Grove (seeded with the deceased), Skinner (beware: someone here seeks your hide), Old Peculiar (strange ways, indeed), Tingley (heed that uneasy feeling this place gives you), Green Town (where dandelion summers give way to wicked Octobers), Buzzards Roost (carry on before you're mistaken for carrion), Bloodland (gruesomely irrigated), and Stine (guaranteed to give you Goosebumps).  But even an untutored brute with bolts in his neck knows that the Most Gothic Place Name in Missouri is found in...

Frankenstein.  The name suggests a place of old, hilltop windmills and baronial estates.  A town where the local doctor is universally distrusted, and where flashes of lightning stir the darkest fears.  The edgy villagers here no doubt keep their torches and pitchforks close at hand.

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