Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Most Gothic Place Names in the United States--North Dakota

[For previous entries, click the "Most Gothic Place Names" label under Features in the right sidebar.]

North Dakota wasn't nearly as barren as I had expected, featuring place names such as Carbury (the crypts here are all either 2- or 4-doored), Overly (excessiveness is a residence requirement), Rival (no one does bitter better than these townspeople), Munster (Herman's northern hideaway), Dickey (a place of Deliverance?), Devil's Lake (Ol' Scratch's favorite watering hole), and Bonetraill (hell on hikers).  I can authoritatively state, though, that the most Gothic place name in North Dakota comes from...

Straubville.  It sounds like a town full of Peter worshippers.  A place steeped in Mystery, and the perfect spot to listen to a Ghost Story.  A community where A Dark Matter is on the docket every single day.

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