Saturday, November 6, 2010

Top 10 Simpsons "Treehouse of Horror" Segment Titles

The Halloween season isn't over until The Simpsons spoof.

The annual "Treehouse of Horror" episode is always stuffed with great material--from the spooky opening sequence, to the plentiful references to horror and science fiction, and the ghoulish variations on the names of the cast and crew in the closing credits.  Not to be overlooked, though, are the delightful titles given to the individual segments within the episode.  Here is my QuickList of the top ten segment titles that have been employed over the past two decades:

10."Tweenlight" (Treehouse of Horror XXI).  This segment hasn't even aired yet, but any parody of the Twilight phenomenon is a welcomed parody.

9."Hell Toupee" (Treehouse of Horror IX).  Technically, Homer gets a hair transplant, but still a clever pun.

8."The Shinning" (Treehouse of Horror V). Wittily weak attempt to avoid a lawsuit.

7."Terror at 5 1/2 Feet" (Treehouse of Horror IV).  The Twilight Zone lowers on Springfield.

6."Married to the Blob" (Treehouse of Horror XVII).  Patty and Selma have been telling Marge this for years.

5."The Homega Man" (Treehouse of Horror VIII).  Brilliant riff on the Charlton Heston movie.

4."Starship Poopers" (Treehouse of Horror IX).  Potty humor at its sci-finest.

3."Dial 'M' for Murder, or Press '#' to Return to Main Menu" (Treehouse of Horror XX).  Wordy but wonderfully satiric title.

2."It's the Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse" (Treehouse of Horror XIX).  Hard to believe it took 19 episodes for the classic Peanuts holiday episode to get (superbly) spoofed.

1."I Know What You Diddily-Iddily-Did" (Treehouse of Horror X).  No mystery who the cloaked killer is here!

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