Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fantastic Casting: The "Something Wicked" Remake

It's been nearly thirty years now since the release of the film version of Something Wicked This Way Comes, so perhaps the time has come for a remake.  If the novel were to be lensed again, which of today's actors would be best suited to fill the main roles?  I'll leave aside the characters of Will and Jim (who would likely be portrayed by a pair of as-yet-unknown child actors), but here are my choices for the rest of the cast...

Charles Halloway: Jason Robards has magnificent presence and did a fine job in the original; my only quibble might be that the actor was actually too old-looking to portray Will's fiftysomething father.  My choice for the new Charles would be Liam Neeson (who has acquitted himself well in prior paternal roles, such as in Love, Actually).  Alternatively: David Straithairn.

Tom Fury: In my mind, there's no actor better suited to embody Bradbury's lightning-rod salesman than Harry Dean Stanton (he even looks like Royal Dano from the original!).

Mr. Cooger: Ray Winstone no doubt has the brawn to play this menacing figure, the brute half of the Cooger & Dark tandem.  His face also possesses the expressiveness needed for the scenes following Cooger's wizening by the carousel.

Mr. Dark:  It would be hard to argue against Christian Bale in this plum role, but I'm going to think a bit outside the box here.  George Clooney has the charm, swarthiness, and commanding voice to make for a brilliant Mr. Dark.

The Dust Witch: The original went glam by casting the beautiful Pam Grier, but for a more traditionally witchy figure one could not go wrong with Helena Bonham Carter.  Moreover, the actress's real-life mate, Tim Burton, would be the ideal director for the remake (after seeing his vision of Halloweentown, imagine what he would do with the carnival-plagued Green Town).

So what do you think--a proper cast for the prospective remake?  (If you can think of other actors who might make good choices for the roles, feel free to leave a Comment below.)

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