Thursday, January 13, 2011

Macabre Republic Picks: The Best A.G.T.V. Show of 2010

American Gothic was well represented on television in 2010, thanks in large part to the brief but memorable runs of programs like Happy Town and The Walking Dead (the latter will return for a second, more extensive season in 2011).  But Macabre Republic's choice for the best "A.G.T.V" show goes to one that has been around for a few years now.  And it's a show that will be around for some time to come, if it intends to live up to its title.  That show is none other than 1000 Ways to Die.

Even leaving aside the T&A factor, and the gloriously b-grade production value of the dramatic reenactments, this Spike TV program proves entertaining viewing on numerous levels.  First, there's that sardonic (dare I say deadpan) narrator chronicling the various cases nationwide of utter stupidity and outrageous mishap.  The individual segments are also marked by enough bad ("Of Courset Kills"; "Chippen' Dale")--and sometimes bawdy ("Ass Full of Caulk")--puns to send HBO's ol' Crypt-Keeper gyrating in his grave.  But perhaps the best aspect of the show is all those CGI-animations of the causes of death, gruesome graphics accompanied by the expert testimony of (allegedly) real-life doctors.  Such nitty-gritty detail makes 1000 Ways to Die must-see A.G.T.V. not just for horror writers such as myself, but for anyone looking to satisfy his/her morbid curiosity.

For sample clips and info about episode air-times, check out the show's website here.

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