Thursday, December 16, 2010

Carnivale Revisited--"Insomnia"

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Episode Guide--Season 1, Episode 9: "Insomnia"

This episode functions as a stage-setter, putting the various pieces in place that will make for a dramatic climax to the first season of Carnivale.  Jonesy and Rita Sue can't help falling into bed again (against their better judgment).  Brother Justin's sinister nature continues to emerge (the hypnotic effect he has on a fellow patient in the asylum is absolutely chilling).  Sofie has a vision of her mom being raped by a savage man with a tattooed back (presumably the father Sofie never knew), and worries that her mom is going crazy.

As Lodz conspires with Management, a chagrined Samson approaches Ben and presents Scudder's Knights Templar medal to him.  Samson lets on that he knows Scudder is Ben's father, and tells Ben that he needs to trust him (better Samson than Lodz).  The professor, meanwhile, keeps working at Ben, who has tried to stave off his terrible nightmares by forcing himself to remain awake for days on end.  Lodz implores Ben to lay his weary head down and allow himself to be taught/guided by his dreams.  According to Lodz, Ben's acceptance of his own unique talents is a matter of grave import: "The gift.  It must be practiced if you wish to attain the skill necessary to control it.  If you don't, you risk putting everyone you know--everyone you love--in mortal danger.  And that is what happened to Scudder."

Lodz acts as if he is only trying to help, but his duplicity cannot be underestimated.  Early in the episode he informs his lover Lila about the dilemma posed by Ben's willful insomnia: "Boy doesn't sleep, he doesn't dream.  He doesn't dream, he can't be reached."  The burning question, then, is reached by whom, and to what end?  Is Lodz himself (who is shown to be a bona fide mentalist in this episode) the one who has been infiltrating Ben's sleep and shaping his dreams?  Is it Management's doing? Scudder's influence?  Moreover, what is the significance of those nocturnal visions (in which Brother Justin forms a recurring figure), and what exactly is the connection between Ben and the devilish priest?  Viewers can only hope that many of these mysteries will be resolved before Carnivale shuts down for the season.

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