1.Madchen Amick, Sleepwalkers. OK, maybe it was just a high school crush that Amick's character had on the lycanthropic Brian Krause, but there's no doubting the beauty of this fresh-faced actress.
2.Mia Farrow, Rosemary's Baby. Farrow hooks up with Satan in NYC (insert Woody Allen joke here).
3.Charlize Theron
4.Winona Ryder, Bram Stoker's Dracula. The romance plot that director Francis Ford Coppola added to Stoker's narrative might have been hard to stomach, but Ryder herself is always easy on the eye.
5.Clare Higgins, Hellraiser. Her character makes the list simply for the ardour with which she couples with the skinless Hell-escapee Frank.
6.Beverly Garland, The Alligator People. We can't forget about the old school beauties. Surely, Garland could have found a better mate than her dermatologically-challenged husband in this Southern Gothic chiller.
7.Sheri Moon Zombie, Halloween (2007). Here we're talking about the love of a stripper-mom for her bogeyman-in-the-making son. Director Rob Zombie apparently has no qualms about exploiting his wife's admirable assets.
Well, that's all I could come up with off the top of my head. Can you think of any other worthy candidates? If so, you can append the actresses' (or actors') names to the list in the comments section below.
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