Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Utter Photesquerie

Today I'm introducing a new feature, Photesquerie: Snapshots of the Macabre Republic.  At first I'll be posting pictures I've taken myself, but as the blog grows I hope to include photos that readers have submitted from their own neck of the M.R. woods.

The snapshot above was taken on a main road in the nearby town of Clifton, NJ.  I have no idea if that's kudzu or some other form of aggressive vegetation that has grown along the wire stretching across the street.  All I know is that it creeps me out: I tense up every time I drive underneath, half-expecting the vines to come swooping down like some living, Lovecraftian netting.

And after reading Scott Smith's The Ruins, I figure it's time to find an alternate route through Clifton...

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